- Sep 10All dayPoetry in MotionSome pairings are literal, such as Joyce Kilmer's famous poem, "Tree,"next to Ola McNeill Davidson's beautiful painting of a tree. Others are more metaphysical and mysterious and ask the visitor to figure out the connection.
- Sep 10All dayShutter and Sound: The Jazz Photography of Bob WilloughbyThis exhibition consists of 50 images taken by photographer Bob Willoughby from 1950–1960. In these vibrant photos, Willoughby's appreciation for and understanding of jazz music is apparent. "Willoughby not only had a good eye, he had a keen ear, and seemed to know when to snap at an inspired moment." – Dave Brubeck By 1950 jazz was here to stay and had migrated its unique sound from the streets of New Orleans to American cities from coast to coast. As the world changed, jazz evolved as well. One of the foremost jazz scenes was in Los Angeles, CA. Some would say it was due to the laid-back surfer culture of California, but the jazz of this region had a flavor all its own and is often considered the birth of what we know as "smooth jazz" today. Willoughby developed photos at night in his Los Angeles garage as he listened to jazz on the radio. If he heard a live broadcast from a nearby venue, he'd drop everything to go take photographs. Willoughby's photographs stand out because of their realism and immediacy. Working in difficult lighting and crowded conditions, these images are jazz improvisation made manifest: they give the viewer a sense of vibrant intimacy as he captured wistful singers, jamming musicians, and enthusiastic audiences. Willoughby photographed jazz greats such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, DaveBrubeck, and Frank Sinatra, to name just a few. A Program of Exhibits USA with Texas Commission on the Arts and The National Endowment for the Arts.
- Sep 10All dayThrifted ReligionThis exhibition is by Dr. Heidi Campbell, professor and Presidential Impact Fellow at Texas A&M University, and sponsored by the Academy for the Visual & Performing Arts. Exhibition: Sept. 9–29, 2024 Artist Lecture: Sept. 12, 2024 | 2:30-4 p.m. Guided Tours: Available for groups and Texas A&M classes. Tuesdays 10 a.m.–Noon and Thursdays Noon–2 p.m. through September. To schedule a tour, contact heidic@tamu.edu (mailto:heidic@tamu.edu) and meg.boone@tamu.edu (mailto:meg.boone@tamu.edu). Religions use a variety of objects to perform sacred rituals and communicate their beliefs in visual ways. These range from devotional objects such as prayer beads or holy texts to inspirational decor such as wall hangings with sacred verses or jewelry featuring religious symbols. Together they are referred to as "material religion," the things which religious communities and people use to live out their faith and express their beliefs. But what happens to these religious items when someone dies, changes their beliefs, or downsizes their home? These objects often show up in resale and thrift shops, where they are given a second chance to become part of another person's spiritual life or collection. From the artist: "In a place like Aggieland, located geographically at the end of what is called the American "Bible Belt," one would expect to find objects representing Christianity like crosses, crucifixes, and plaques with sayings from the Bible. But what you might find surprising is that examples of Buddhism, Judaism, and New Age Religions are also prevalent."
- Sep 10All dayTransit Fall ServiceFor service information visit transport.tamu.edu/busroutes (http://transport.tamu.edu/busroutes)
- Sep 10All dayVirtual Walk ChallengeGrab up to 8 team members to rally together and promote mental wellness and suicide awareness & prevention.How to join the league:Visit howdyhealth.org/programs (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/howdyhealth.org/programs__;!!KwNVnqRv!QFHEDc77CEP_7D2vtQ7CHbKtRO_50oh8PIyN3XusiqJTEPj1XsoClsKOREdg1DbG5jg$)Navigate to the Walk Through Texas History programLogin or create an account through the Register Now linkCopy this code and paste into the Team Code field: wtthL-240816-87036Complete the join a league form and submit to finalize
- Sep 1011:00 AMWorld Suicide Prevention DayLight a candle to show support for suicide prevention. Pick up a tea light and learn facts about suicide prevention.
- Sep 101:00 PMHSI Week Lunch InformationalThe Strategic Educational Partnerships Office is hosting a lunch informational for HSI Week. Hear from the Assistant Provost for Strategic Educational Partnerships, Dr. Elsa Gonzalez, about the role of the office serving TAMU, which is a Hispanic Serving Institution. The event will be held in 601 Rudder Tower at 1:00 p.m. on September 10, 2024. Please RSVP in advance as we will have limited seating.
- Sep 102:30 PMLecture by Sean Griffin: 'The Texas Moment (1977-87): Down Home Decadence in the Public Imagination'In the mid-1970s, a new spotlight shone on Texas — from the Dallas Cowboys (and their cheerleaders) to the TV series "Dallas" and movies like "Urban Cowboy" and "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." This fascination regarded Texas as a land of both optimistic opportunity and cynical opportunism, emblematic of 1980s American society at large. Dr. Griffin, professor of film and media arts at SMU, will address the factors that drove this new cultural perception, aspects of this image, and what brought the "Texas moment" to its end.Sept. 10 at 2:30 p.m., Liberal Arts and Arts and Humanities Building, Room 255.The lecture is in conjunction with the inaugural Visions of Texas Film Festival, presented by the Queen's Film Society at the Queen Theatre in Downtown Bryan, Sept. 10-15. The festival is co-sponsored by the College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts. For more information, visit thequeensfilmsociety.org.
- Sep 104:00 PMFinancial Education Series: Budgeting Basics 101Register Here (https://tamu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rf-Cupj8uHNHSMtsEP6SEfit2033SKlzX#/registration)
- Sep 104:00 PMMy First... InterviewYou've got the call for your first interview! What do you do now? Join us to learn about what your interview may look like and how to prepare.
- Sep 105:00 PMLeasing 101 WorkshopRegister for the Leasing 101 Workshop (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXsubA3IwrpcQwdxQqCFgzD9uVUyIv4jus9-LGNAHssxtlAA/viewform)
- Sep 106:00 PMLearn about Fitness Instructor Training - Informational #1For more details visit our website. (https://recsports.tamu.edu/programs/fitness-wellness/?_gl=1*1i7uq8e*_ga*MzI0MzQwODkyLjE3MTkzMjM0NjE.*_ga_6Z244NFEFP*MTcyMzgyMzQyNC43OS4xLjE3MjM4MjQzNDEuMzcuMC4w*_gcl_au*MTcyNjgzMDI2Ni4xNzIzMjMzNzI0*_ga_SJ5GMN0ZQL*MTcyMzgyMzQyNC4xMTIuMS4xNzIzODI0MzQxLjM3LjAuMA..#tab-38f7f70c22f2d02121c)
- Sep 106:00 PMSuicide Awareness Month KickoffInteract with resource tables, play games, get free shirts and other giveaways at our kick-off event. Hear personal testimonies and join us for a candlelight vigil and short walk around campus to remember those lives lost to suicide and help support those who are struggling.
- Sep 11All dayPoetry in MotionSome pairings are literal, such as Joyce Kilmer's famous poem, "Tree,"next to Ola McNeill Davidson's beautiful painting of a tree. Others are more metaphysical and mysterious and ask the visitor to figure out the connection.
- Sep 11All dayShutter and Sound: The Jazz Photography of Bob WilloughbyThis exhibition consists of 50 images taken by photographer Bob Willoughby from 1950–1960. In these vibrant photos, Willoughby's appreciation for and understanding of jazz music is apparent. "Willoughby not only had a good eye, he had a keen ear, and seemed to know when to snap at an inspired moment." – Dave Brubeck By 1950 jazz was here to stay and had migrated its unique sound from the streets of New Orleans to American cities from coast to coast. As the world changed, jazz evolved as well. One of the foremost jazz scenes was in Los Angeles, CA. Some would say it was due to the laid-back surfer culture of California, but the jazz of this region had a flavor all its own and is often considered the birth of what we know as "smooth jazz" today. Willoughby developed photos at night in his Los Angeles garage as he listened to jazz on the radio. If he heard a live broadcast from a nearby venue, he'd drop everything to go take photographs. Willoughby's photographs stand out because of their realism and immediacy. Working in difficult lighting and crowded conditions, these images are jazz improvisation made manifest: they give the viewer a sense of vibrant intimacy as he captured wistful singers, jamming musicians, and enthusiastic audiences. Willoughby photographed jazz greats such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, DaveBrubeck, and Frank Sinatra, to name just a few. A Program of Exhibits USA with Texas Commission on the Arts and The National Endowment for the Arts.
- Sep 11All dayThrifted ReligionThis exhibition is by Dr. Heidi Campbell, professor and Presidential Impact Fellow at Texas A&M University, and sponsored by the Academy for the Visual & Performing Arts. Exhibition: Sept. 9–29, 2024 Artist Lecture: Sept. 12, 2024 | 2:30-4 p.m. Guided Tours: Available for groups and Texas A&M classes. Tuesdays 10 a.m.–Noon and Thursdays Noon–2 p.m. through September. To schedule a tour, contact heidic@tamu.edu (mailto:heidic@tamu.edu) and meg.boone@tamu.edu (mailto:meg.boone@tamu.edu). Religions use a variety of objects to perform sacred rituals and communicate their beliefs in visual ways. These range from devotional objects such as prayer beads or holy texts to inspirational decor such as wall hangings with sacred verses or jewelry featuring religious symbols. Together they are referred to as "material religion," the things which religious communities and people use to live out their faith and express their beliefs. But what happens to these religious items when someone dies, changes their beliefs, or downsizes their home? These objects often show up in resale and thrift shops, where they are given a second chance to become part of another person's spiritual life or collection. From the artist: "In a place like Aggieland, located geographically at the end of what is called the American "Bible Belt," one would expect to find objects representing Christianity like crosses, crucifixes, and plaques with sayings from the Bible. But what you might find surprising is that examples of Buddhism, Judaism, and New Age Religions are also prevalent."
- Sep 11All dayTransit Fall ServiceFor service information visit transport.tamu.edu/busroutes (http://transport.tamu.edu/busroutes)
- Sep 11All dayVirtual Walk ChallengeGrab up to 8 team members to rally together and promote mental wellness and suicide awareness & prevention.How to join the league:Visit howdyhealth.org/programs (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/howdyhealth.org/programs__;!!KwNVnqRv!QFHEDc77CEP_7D2vtQ7CHbKtRO_50oh8PIyN3XusiqJTEPj1XsoClsKOREdg1DbG5jg$)Navigate to the Walk Through Texas History programLogin or create an account through the Register Now linkCopy this code and paste into the Team Code field: wtthL-240816-87036Complete the join a league form and submit to finalize
- Sep 118:30 AMDonut Days - O&M BuildingCome by to grab a donut and see all the events the Career Center offers!
- Sep 1111:00 AMSuicide Awareness: Breaking the Unspoken StigmaLearn about trends and data associated with suicide ideation in society.Register here (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=44HzaNpGuUe6V28yK48NoYQp4ige0q5EhtnrI7ExHJZUMTlKOVdaUENNMDAwTDRWODNaMzJGRFhDMSQlQCN0PWcu).
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